Download Game Cars 2 PC Full English + Cheat

Setelah dirilisnya film Cars 2 saatnya untuk memainkan gamenya. Disini GCB akan bahas mengenai Game Cars 2 : The Video Game. Gamenya cukup menarik dan lebih baik dari cars sebelumnya dan perbaikan grafik yang lebih memukau, Ok Langsung saja kan semua udah tahu tentang cars 2 :D :D

Cars 2: The Video Game is a third-person racing game developed by Avalanche Software and based on the 2011 film Cars 2, the sequel to the 2006 film Cars. Originally announced at E3 in 2011, the game was released on major platforms in North America on June 21, 2011, and in Australia 2 days later.The game will be released in Europe on July 22, 2011. The PlayStation 3 version of the game was reported to feature stereoscopic 3D gameplay. Unveiled at the American International Toy Fair in New York City, Cars 2 allows players to jump into the Cars universe with a brand new international spy theme. The game features an array of Cars characters competing in action-packed spy adventures, as well as world-class racing. The game received positive reviews, with a score of 76 on Metacritic for the Xbox 360 version.

Up to 4 players can race in the game, which players can choose from more than 20 different characters and train to become world class spies. As part of their international training, players can participate in simulated hazardous missions using high-tech gadgets to evade and slow down adversaries. Cars 2 also features connectivity with the World of Cars Online – a free-to-play browser-based, virtual world based on the hit Pixar animated Cars universe. Players are able to discover a new world beyond Radiator Springs with Mater, Fillmore, Sarge, and others as they gain rewards in the video game and then use them to unlock new items in the World of Cars Online.

System Requirements:
CPU: 2.6GHz or better
VGA: 128MB DirectX 9 3D video card with Pixel Shader 3.0
DX: DirectX® 9.0c
OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1, Windows 7
Sound: No accelerated sound hardware required.

Disini Ada Versi Biasa (berbahasa Rusia dan bisa diganti dengan inggris) dan Versi Reload (Sudah berbahasa inggris
Versi Biasa by GameHousevn
untuk mengganti bahasa rusia ke bahasa inggris: buka regedit ->
cari HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Disney Interactive Studios\Cars2
ganti teks RU menjadi EN

Versi Reloaded by Gigzaa69 (Recommended Tested Work 100%)
Cars 2 : The Video Game Crack
Cara Install
1. Extract File yang sudah gamers download
2. Burn ke DVD atau mount menggunakan ultra iso daemon terserah gamers
3. Install gamenya
4. Copy Crackannya di tempat gamers install cars 2
5. Mainkan!!!!!!!!!!!

Direct Download (1 File langsung download) by Leonard
password :


pass : indowebster4ever

Cars 2 Crack

Cheat Cars 2
Pergi ke menu>extra>code lalu masukkan code dibawah ini
All modes and tracks
Enter "959595" as a code to unlock all modes and tracks
Infinite energy
Enter "721953" as a code.
Enter "123456" as a code.

Jika Gmers disini menemukan error binw32.dll silankan kunjungi

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